Just Add Water: Recipe for the Ultimate Bachelor Party

Summertime is the peak of wedding season. Before the big day is the big bachelor send off. As the best man, your duty is to take care of the groom by planning the ultimate bachelor party. Pay homage to your bromance with a weekend on the water in Minnesota. At Bremer Jet Ski & Watercraft Rental, Inc. we supply quality entertainment with watersports rentals.

Watersport Ready: 3 Steps for Summer Planning This Winter

While there is snow on the ground, the winter weather has many of us itching with cabin fever. It’s hard to believe that summer is just around the corner. Believe it or not, we have just a few months before the ice begins to thaw and the water is primed for watersport activities. At Bremer Jet Ski & Watercraft Rental, Inc., we are focused on summer fun in the water. Join us in summer daydreaming, and start planning for warm weather today.

Boating Adventures with Water Toys

Skip the amusement park for thrills; head straight to the water. The kids will love the excitement and fun generated from water toys on the lake. Missing some water toys to add to your boating weekend? Look no further than Bremer Jet Ski & Watercraft Rentals, Inc. Just add water to our jet skis, watercrafts, and water toy rentals for a weekend of lake memories.